Emisil hudfarve

FTM protese - ser meget realistisk ud, fås i 16 forskellige hudnuancer

Kunder kan vælge protesefarven blandt 16 forskellige hudnuancer. Vigtig information. Alle vores proteser ser forskellige ud. Det betyder ikke noget, at du har købt to modeller af samme farve, de kan have en lidt anden nuance. Oprejste modeller er normalt mere udtryksfulde i farven, mens slappe modeller er mildt farvede. Hver detalje er håndlavet, så hver penisprotese er som et kunstværk. Produktionsprocessen kræver viden og talent. Til sidst bestemmer kunstneren, hvilken farve der skal vælges til rynker, spidser, bumser, årer, og skaber derefter overgangseffekt fra lysere til mørkere, farvenuance osv. Penisproteser er lavet af 100% sikker medicinsk silikone. Produkterne er meget holdbare og stærke, lavet af materialer af højeste kvalitet. På trods af holdbarheden er det dog nødvendigt at bruge det skånsomt for at undgå skader eller revner. Emisils seksten forskellige hudfarvesæt blev skabt ved videnskabeligt at måle de faktiske hudtoner på tværs af hele spektret af menneskelige hudtyper over hele verden. Specielt formuleret til at være de nærmeste fysiske repræsentationer af hudfarver, vores farvesæt er en omfattende visuel reference til at bestemme en persons hudtone.

Emisil silicone head S01
Emisil silicone head S02
Emisil silicone head S03

When you decide to purchase Emisil penis prosthetic please choose one color which is most resembles your body color. The range of colors has been made according to the body colors of people of various nations, so we are sure that you will definitely find a suitable color for yourself. We do not make penis prostheses which are one color only. Colors shift and can get darker or lighter in different places. There are such details as veins, freckles or other skin texture elements created on the prosthetic, so the final result is a very realistic prosthetic which is hard to distinguish from the real penis. The dye used for coloring the prosthetic is silicone-based, therefore, it cannot be washed or removed in some other way. When you are pressing Emisil penis prosthetic, you can see the changes in color and differences emerging between the layers. That's why Emisil penis is not only a realistic penis prosthetic when you are looking at it, but it is ultra-realistic when you are touching and pressing it. You can see how realistic it looks in the example below:

Emisil 3D scrotum

3 silicone layers

Our penis prostheses have three silicone layers, each of them made in different softness. Like our body, prosthesis consists of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The first layer is very soft. It can be touched with fingers or stretched like the real human skin. The second layer is made of a firmer silicone. The third layer is used to fill in the prosthesis. All these three layers together provide an incredibly realistic feeling. And if the prosthesis is pressed, the color tones also change enhancing the feeling of reality. The epidermis layer is extremely realistic and creates the texture of the skin effect. The finest details, like arteries, veins and wrinkles, are also visible.

Emisil skin model

Medical Grade Silicone

Example of Emisil penis prosthetic skin, prosthetic flesh feels ultra -realistic!