Ultrarealistische FTM Pack-and-Play-Penisse
Geschichte über Pack n Play FTM
Machen Sie sich bereit für ein fantastisches Erlebnis und maximales Vergnügen mit Emisil-Packern zum Spielen! Prothesen sind multifunktional und das Wortspiel bezieht sich auf die Verwendung Ihres Packers zum Eindringen. Alle Packer der Emisil Erect-Serie verfügen über:
- Silikonstab. In diesem Fall kann die Welle nicht fixiert werden. Wenn Sie ihn nach oben oder unten biegen und plötzlich loslassen, kehrt der Schaft in seine ursprüngliche Position zurück.
- Kunststoffstab. Der Flexstab ist ein Kunststoffstab, der aus vielen kleinen Kugelgelenken besteht.
Mehr Informationen zum Silikon- bzw. Kunststoffstab finden Sie hier .
- 3D-Hodensack mit beweglichen schwebenden Hoden, die ein hyperrealistisches Erlebnis bieten.
Die Mission von Emisil ist es, Menschen, die mit ihrem Aussehen zu kämpfen haben, selbstbewusst und glücklich zu machen. Kann das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen. Deshalb gestalten wir unseren Transpacker so realistisch wie möglich.
Darüber hinaus können Sie Ihren passenden Packer ganz nach Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen bestellen. So können Sie Ihre bevorzugte Größe und Farbe wählen, mit oder ohne Haar.
Extremely realistic pack n play packers
One of the most important things to consider when choosing a transgender packer is the material it is made from. Using your pack and play packer shouldn't make you uncomfortable, therefore finding the right one is well worth the effort.
Here at Emisil we believe that the best packers are made from 100% medical grade silicone. And we are sure that many packing veterans and trans folks will recommend the same. They might be pricier. But the difference in quality is quite remarkable as silicone packers will last longer than products made from other materials.
First and foremost, if you ever had any issues or allergic reaction to any other material. We recommend trying a medical grade silicone packer as it is the safest option out there. Silicone is one of the most natural looking materials: it is non-porous, durable, odorless, and easy to clean. Simply wash your realistic silicone penis with mild soap and water after each use, and allow it to air dry.
If you wish to sanitize your packer, you can put it in boiling water it for a minute. As silicone material is heat-resistant. Moreover, if you are planning to go for a swim in a pool. Silicone packers will stand up to chlorine better than their porous material counterparts.
FTM packers for play — Options
Since pack and play prosthetics are not mass-produced. Most of our packers are custom made from start to finish. Or at least have parts that we have catered based on your needs.
Although choosing the silicone penis might be challenging. We care about your needs and will take you step by step through the ordering process. Before we begin creating your pack and play prosthetic, take a look at the amazing custom features offered:
Play with color: In total, we offer 16 different skin shades. To make each silicone penis unique, our artists will add such details as wrinkles, points, pimples, veins. Create a transition effect from lighter to darker. Color shade, etc. Making this handmade device look as close to the real thing as possible.
Yes, all our realistic pack and play model are made from silicone and are safe to use in the water. Our devices are made so you can enjoy your life to the fullest, so showering, bathing, swimming in pools or even using a hot tub will all be perfectly safe to do and will not harm your prosthetic.
Emisil realistic pack and play FTM packers are made from silicone, and so are very easy to effectively clean. Warm water and a mild, non-scented (and ideally disinfectant), oil-free soap are ideal. Make sure your Emisil product has dried completely before using it again or putting it into storage. This is because damp products are susceptible to the growth of fungi, like mold and mildew. If possible, air drying is ideal. However, if this isn’t an option for you for any reason (e.g. you don’t have space, you have kids, or you live with other people), drying your Emisil product with a clean, a dry towel is another option. Every now and then you should sanitize your FTM prosthetic pack and play packer - just submerge it in boiling water for 30 seconds to a minute.
Emisil packers can be adhered using FTM pack and play adhesive, but can be worn with a harness as well.
In short the answer is yes, Emisil Erect packers can be used for FTM penetration. However, as with all the other sex toys we do recommend you to be cautious and aware of the health risks. We suggest you to wash your FTM pack and play packer before and after sex to avoid risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, Pack and Play FTM packers are made from medical silicone which is totally safe but it was not intended for sexual penetration. If you choose to have sex with FTM Erect packer - the use of condom is required. Also remember to use water-based lubricant only as silicone lube can damage your packer in the long term.
Before you make a decision you need to think about your body size and stature as well as lifestyle, as that can play a part in determining which product to choose. For example, those who play sports or are physically active in their daily lives may want to consider a smaller packer. If you are mostly using your pack and play packer for daily use, we advise going for a smaller size, which replicate a penis in the resting state and looks proportional to the person in terms of size and complexion.