FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
Emisil uncircumcised stp
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil
FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil

Wee-wee - 3. gen. STP | Uomskåret

Normal pris €500,00 Udsalgspris€417,00 Gem €83,00
Skat inkluderet.

  • Kunstnerteamet er klar til at begynde produktionsprocessen med det samme. Produktionsprocestid - op til 5 hverdage
  • Inventar på vej
  • Verdensomspændende forsendelse. Told og afgifter er inkluderet i den endelige pris.
3. generation STP En pålidelig STP-pakker til en selvsikker livsstil. Emisil Stand to Pee-pakkere er designet af et team af fagfolk til komfort og fejlfri funktionalitet. Denne lækagesikre uomskårne penisprotese gør vandladning let og naturligt, og du vil mestre det på ingen tid! Det er naturligt og glat fornemmelse vil overraske dig. Sidder behageligt i bukserne hele dagen.
  • Uomskåret - med ultrarealistisk forhud.
  • Hudens tekstur visuelt ikke kan skelnes fra en ægte penis. Med tre silikonelag af forskellig blødhed. Blød at røre ved, det er en fornøjelse at bruge.
  • Lækagebestandig, nem at rengøre
  • Den tynde fane passer perfekt ind i dit sted, for at skabe maksimal komfort og et meget realistisk look
  • Ultrarealistisk pung med bevægelige testikler fyldt med en speciel gel

Visuelle mål:

Længde: 11 cm | Omfang: 11 cm | Vægt: 7 oz. (200 g)

Denne pakker er ikke egnet til samleje. Erektionsstangen medfølger ikke.

Fantastisk og pålidelig STP-pakker til en selvsikker livsstil. Denne lækagesikre omskårne penisprotese gør vandladning let og naturligt, og du vil mestre din teknik første gang! Dens naturlige og glatte fornemmelse vil overraske dig. Sidder behageligt i bukserne hele dagen,
Let at tisse ud, ingen lækage - designet af et team af fagfolk til komfort og fejlfri funktionalitet. Pakker gode forbliver på plads meget som en rigtig penis.
Vi anbefaler ikke at bruge denne enhed til samleje. (Skaftet hænger nedad).

Forhuden glider-bevæger sig ikke over hele hovedet.


- O-ringsele anbefales ikke, fordi din protese kan blive beskadiget ved at bruge den. Normalt er disse ringe lavet af virkelig hårde materialer (fx metal, plastik). Som et resultat kan det forårsage, at tårerne lækker fra dit produkt.
Vær meget nænsom med dit produkt, for det er ikke designet til hårdt og hårdt brug. Vi råder dig til at være opmærksom på alle instruktioner og anbefalinger om, hvordan du bruger din enhed. Manglende brug af pakkeren som anbefalet vil annullere ethvert firmaansvar, og klienten påtager sig alt ansvar for enhver skade eller skade, der er opstået. Hvis protesen er beskadiget på grund af klientens skyld - bortfalder garantien, og returnering eller tilbagebetaling vil ikke blive accepteret.

- Vores produkter er lavet af medicinsk silikone og er absolut sikre, men vi anbefaler ikke at bruge det inde i din eller din partners krop i en længere periode. Glem ikke at bruge et vandbaseret kondom hver gang du spiller! Vær blid, brug ikke hårde ting eller materialer, da det kan beskadige din protese.

Produktbilleder er kun til illustrative formål og kan afvige fra det faktiske produkt. Vi kan forsikre, at du vil modtage den nyeste og mest forbedrede proteseversion.

📖 Full description

This FTM packer features a scrotum with movable testes. Each testicle is filled with special gel for proper weight and feel. A hyper detailed surface cast from silicon helps the prosthetic penis to look and feel natural. 

🚽 Pee-pee with 3rd gen. STP packer!

Relieve dysphoria safely and comfortably with this reliable packer. Designed in a range of skin tones from medical grade silicon, the packer has a lifelike feel for maximum confidence. With an STP trans packer, nonbinary and trans individuals can urinate while standing easily. This high-quality stand to pee packer can support transition, increase safety and confidence peeing in public, and fit comfortably all day long. 

This packer is not suitable for intercourse. The erection rod is not included.

Safe and Secure

An adhesive tab allows the packer to be pulled away from the body and attached easily and naturally. The packer will need to be secured to clean, hairless skin. Any type of body wash and hair removal method will work. Body safe medical grade adhesive secures the packer directly to the wearer's body. Once the packer is positioned and the adhesive is dry, it can comfortably stay in position for eight to twelve hours. The packer can be removed by gently pulling it away from the body and cleaning the skin with adhesive remover.

Leak Resistant

A flexible internal funnel allows the STP packer to be used with no stress. The no drip lip reduces the risk of leaking over the top of the packer. Because the funnel is large, the cup is unlikely to overflow. Practice at home may be needed to adjust to urinating with the device in place, but with practice, users can stand to pee confidently every time. 

🧼Easy to Clean 

At the end of wearing, running mild soap and water through the funnel and along the prosthetic surface easily cleans the STP packer. Once it has been washed and dried, the packer can be set aside in a clean, secure place until it is ready to wear again. 


Sixteen different skin shades allow the STP trans packer to naturally match the wearer's skin tone. The prosthetic flesh is made from a three layer system of silicon, each designed with a different softness. Wearers are controlling the position of the packer, allowing them to use it when and where they please. Specific skin color customizations may be available upon request.

Designed for Daily Wear

As well as being comfortable and functional, this FTM STP packer fits easily into pants and can be used naturally at a urinal. It is designed to avoid embarrassing accidents and to look realistic. Whether the goal is to pass more easily, to increase comfort and safety in public places or to have the confidence of a realistic STP, the 3rd Generation STP packer can help.

Continually Evolving

Technology for relieving dysphoria is constantly changing and improving. The 3rd Generation stand to pee device reflects that evolution. It is hand-made by professionals with the utmost comfort and functionality in mind. Each product that is sent out is the most improved prosthetic version available. 

Works With Harnesses or Underwear

The adhesive allows the packer to be worn directly on the skin. However, more active wearers or those who prefer not to use adhesive may benefit from using a harness or underwear specifically for packing to keep it in place. The packer is compatible with many styles, allowing the wearer to choose whatever method makes them comfortable. Those who are new to packing can try using the packer at home or another safe location first before deciding which method of securing it works best for them. 


Picking an STP stand to pee can be a very personal experience. Discrete customer service professionals are available to answer any questions or concerns. Wearers can receive advice on how to wear the device properly, can check our skin palate to ensure proper skin matching, and can request adjustments if needed. 

Please note, sales are final and not refundable. All our prostheses are unique and look different. If you purchase two models of the same color, the final results may vary.

Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. We can assure you will receive the latest and most improved prosthetic version.

Discrete and Accessible

Available to ship worldwide and with discrete packaging, the 3rd Generation STP packer is a safe option. STP product itself is designed for a comfortable fit and natural look without being overly large or inflexible. It can be used easily throughout the day according to the wearer's needs. 

• Længde 11 cm
• Omkreds 11 cm
• Vægt 7 oz (200 g)
⚠️ Da vores produktion er håndlavet, kan der være små variationer i størrelsen.

Skaftet har en let nedadgående kurve, lavet af blød silikone.

Emisil penisproteser kommer med bevægelige testikler fyldt med en speciel gel. Det gør det muligt for de to silikonekugler at flyde frit inde i pungen, når de klemmes - det kombineret med farveændringerne, der opstår mellem silikonehudlagene, giver protesen en ultrarealistisk fornemmelse.

Vores pakker leveres af de mest professionelle internationale forsendelsestjenester. FedEx, DHL og UPS tilbyde en bred vifte af yderligere muligheder for din bekvemmelighed, herunder en sporingsmulighed.

Levering til USA 1-2 hverdage Produktionsprocestid – op til 5 hverdage

Internationale lokationer 2-4 hverdage (afhængig af lokation) Produktionsprocestid – op til 5 hverdage.

1. Påfør klæbemidlet

Før du påfører klæbemidlet, skal du sørge for at rense det hudområde, som du vil fastgøre pakkeren til. Du skal fjerne hår fra denne del af kroppen, og den Applying the adhesive on FTM packerhuden skal rengøres ordentligt for at sikre, at pakkeren er fastgjort perfekt. Du kan bruge enhver form for kropsvask eller vådservietter til dette formål. Når du har renset huden, lad den tørre i et par sekunder.

For mere information tjek dette Blogindlæg.

 2. pakkerposition

FTM packer attached to the body

Når du har påført klæbemidlet, skal du fastgøre din pakker til kroppen og placere den forsigtigt. Prøv at sikre dig, at du fastgør den i den rigtige position, og prøv ikke at flytte den rundt for længe, ​​da klæbemidlet kan begynde at hærde. Når du har placeret pakkeren, skal du lade den tørre i et par minutter.

Prøv det et par gange derhjemme for at mestre din teknik, så du ved, hvad du kan forvente og føler dig mere sikker, når du har brug for S.T.P. på farten. Bliv ikke afskrækket, hvis du dribler første gang eller to. Med lidt øvelse vil Stand To Pee-enheden fungere perfekt hver gang.


Først og fremmest skal du sikre dig, at din position er korrekt, du skal prøve at finde den rigtige position, og det tager lidt tid.

Bøj ikke skaftet for meget

For hver person er det lidt forskelligt. For det andet, mens du tisser, skal du sørge for at vinkle og placere skaftet korrekt uden at presse det for meget. I nogle tilfælde presser klienter dem for hårdt på denne måde ved at trykke på tragten og blokere flowet.

Hold skaftet stramt

Hold skaftet fast, mens du trykker to fingre, placeret i pungens område, mod kroppen.

Når du tisser, skal du kontrollere flowet, hvilket betyder, at du bliver nødt til at stoppe flowet fra tid til anden for at sikre, at der ikke er overløb.

Denne side er beskyttet af reCaptcha, og Googles Politik om beskyttelse af persondata og Servicevilkår er gældende.


Før du påfører klæbemidlet, skal du sørge for at rense det hudområde, hvor du vil fastgøre pakkeren. Du skal fjerne hår fra denne del af kroppen, og huden skal renses ordentligt for at sikre, at pakkeren er fastgjort perfekt. Du kan bruge enhver form for kropsvask eller vådservietter til dette formål. Når du har renset huden, skal du lade den tørre i et par sekunder.

For mere information, tjek dette blogindlæg.


Når du har påført klæbemidlet, skal du fastgøre din pakker til kroppen og placere den omhyggeligt. Prøv at sikre dig, at du fastgør den i den rigtige position og prøv ikke at flytte den rundt for længe, da klæbemidlet kan begynde at hærde. Når du har placeret pakkeren, skal du lade den tørre i et par minutter.

Prøv det et par gange derhjemme for at mestre din teknik, så du ved, hvad du kan forvente, og føler dig mere sikker, når du har brug for S.T.P. på farten. Hvis du dribler første gang, skal du ikke blive afskrækket. Med lidt øvelse, vil Stand To Pee-enheden fungere perfekt hver gang.


Din selvtillid er vores passion

Vi forstår, at det at se godt ud hjælper dig til at føle dig godt. En selvsikker du forbedrer alle dele af dit liv. Vores ekspertteam vil arbejde sammen med dig om at vælge den bedst egnede pakker, der sigter mod at afhjælpe bunddysfori. Vi har ændret livet for tusindvis af FTM-liv, og vi ved, at vi også kan ændre dit liv.

Vær stolt af din krop

Emisil kan give dig den krop, du altid har drømt om, og selvtilliden til at gøre, hvad du altid har ønsket dig.
Emisil discreet delivery

Diskret levering

Vi forstår, at det kan være pinligt for nogle at købe pakkerier og andre seksuelle velværeprodukter. Alle Emisil-leverancer dukker op i diskrete kasser uden angivelse af, hvad der er indeni. Du kan være sikker på, at du modtager din pakker med dit absolutte privatliv i tankerne.

Lær mere

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Ken Davis (Munroe Falls, US)
Worth the money

(Opening + cup/STP) When I first got this product, I probably would have rated it a 3/5 (now, 4/5). It takes some getting used to, so if you don’t immediately like it, I would wait a bit before giving your final verdict. Initially, I had trouble positioning it comfortably due to the substantial cup. If you are a guy with larger labia, you are going to be extremely aware of the cup at all times, and it feels a bit suffocating. That said, it very much works and you will be grateful for the cup when it comes time to STP. I have not yet used to the STP out in public, so I can’t attest to if it passes well in a men’s bathroom, but it functions well for the purpose of getting pee into a toilet.

(Aesthetics) Overall I was happy with the color I selected, and I think the photo system provides fairly accurate colors. It is slightly darker than my skin, but it looks like reasonable natural variation. The paint job is very realistic, and I have sometimes looked at it and expected it to return sensations when I touch it because its skin-like appearance tricked my brain. The veins aren’t ridiculously bulging like in some packers, they’re just tastefully present. The scrotum texture is very realistic as well. This is also one of the only uncircumcised packers that I enjoy the proportions of, as many will have a head much larger than to my liking.

(Packing + squeeze test) As for the packing experience, the shaft being hollow definitely helps keep the size down. I have had another packer of roughly the same length and girth, but being solid silicone all the way through, it had a very large and awkward bulge. This packer creates a very low key bulge that doesn’t draw the eye, but if you happened to be looking, you would see it. The balls are delightful to play with, but they’re definitely much firmer than the real thing. I don’t think this packer in particular would pass high scrutiny squeezing, but a quick grab wouldn’t raise any red flags. Also, if the balls are cold, they make a very odd… crunchy sound. Luckily they are usually not cold while you are wearing them. The hollow shaft gives a small issue in that, when squeezed, the silicone sticks to itself on the inside and you can feel the very strange sensation it causes. Overall, when grabbed, it feels to be the right size and shape, and the squishiness factor is about right, but some of the textures may feel a bit weird.

(Final thoughts) I tried to make this review as thorough as possible, as this product is very expensive and is therefore an investment to make. For me, the only reasons I don’t rate this 5/5 are due to the squeeze test results (which will be universal and apply to anyone purchasing the packer) and the personal feel of the cup with my body (will depend on your anatomy as to whether or not the cup will crush your organs). Otherwise, I love my emisil and, when the time comes for a pack and play, I will buy from them again.

Harley Bishop (Guernsey, GG)

It’s just what I needed to feel manly, not too big or bulky, seals well when using toilet, very quick and discreet delivery.

Gabor S. (Budapest, HU)

Extremely lifelike, and comfortable to wear. I'm still working on the perfect peeing alignment but very satisfied so far.

Christiaan (Utrecht, NL)
Nog niet helemaal tevreden /not quite satisfied yet

Het staande plassen met deze stp packer gaat heel lastig omdat de trechter heel soepel is sluit hij achter niet helemaal aan. Ik heb ook de weenie compact en die is stugger waardoor het staande plassen heel makkelijk gaat maar waardoor je die niet continu kunt dragen.
Ik wou graag een combinatie van deze twee
+ De piemel zelf is vrij klein waardoor je uit moet kijken dat je niet als nog over je broek plast
Maar hij ziet er wel heel mooi en levens echt uit dus hoop dat het staande plassen me gaat lukken en dan wel helemaal tevreden ben.

Peeing standing up with this stp packer is very difficult because the funnel is very flexible, it does not close completely at the back. I also have the weenie compact and it is stiffer, which makes it very easy to pee standing up, but you cannot wear it continuously.
I would like a combination of these two
+ The penis itself is quite small, so you have to watch out that you don't pee all over your pants
But it does look very nice and lifelike, so I hope that I can pee standing up and then I will be completely satisfied.

Oliver (Trondheim, NO)
Very realistic (Colour 09)

I have only just received the packer so I am reviewing on first impressions, and I will probably come back and edit the review after a few months of use.

First, incredibly quick shipping!

Second, it is very very realistic, but the shaft and balls are firmer than expected, and the cup itself softer than expected, so I have to get used to the fit. The colour is also greyer than expected. I got the colour 09, which is the darkest “caucasian” shade. I am really pale, but a friend of mine who is even paler got the 08 and it was too pale for him, so I felt I had no choice but to get the 09. The picture of it looks very very red, but irl it is a lot greyer.
That is something I have read in more reviews too, that some of Emisil’s products are greyer than expected.
Luckily it was still a very good match for my skin tone downstairs.

I pack it in Rodeoh’s O-Jock jockstrap and regular boxerbriefs and it fits very well, but the balls have to go lower than I am used to, and it is definitely changing the way I walk with the packer on. Not a bad thing, but just keep that in mind, as the balls are way firmer than they look.

The shaft is also firm, but since it is hollow it squishes and flattens easily so even though this packer looks big, it is not obscenely big or unnatural on my 5’3” frame.

I have yet to successfully STP with it because I can’t relax myself, but I will continue to practice. It does seem though that trimmed and/or shaved bits will help create a better seal and prevent spillage.

I have not tried gluing it to my body yet but will try in the near future.

Hello Oliver,

Thank you for the review!
When designing our products, we always strive for the most natural look. Since intimate parts in the cisgender body are usually darker, we recommend choosing a little darker shade in comparison to the rest of your body.
Regarding the firmness of the scrotum and the shaft - please note that we need to find the perfect balance of rigidness, since if the testicles or the shaft would be softer, the risk to damage the packer would increase. Therefore, some compensations regarding the realistic feel must be made in order to produce a long-lasting, high-quality product.
Hopefully you'll master the STP function as the time passes by :)

Emisil team

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