How to make voice deeper for FTM

Wondering how to make your voice deeper? Go here and learn more on voice exercises, hormones, voice modification surgery, and voice therapy for FTM.

Voice is a significant part of one’s personality and gender affirmation process. Many trans guys feel insecure about their voices being too feminine. Even though that’s normal, you should be able to feel completely comfortable with yourself. So, if you’re wondering how to make your voice deeper, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss how to lower your voice FTM, FTM testosterone voice change, voice modification surgery, and other relevant topics related to FTM voice change.


FTM voice therapy refers to the non-surgical process of voice training to deepen the voice. Voice therapy is helpful when the person wants to feel more assured in his/her own body whilst being gender affirmed. Voice therapy (transgender) includes training the resonance, breathing, pitch through various exercises.

How can you start vocal therapy? Transgender speech therapy begins by finding a professional specialist, who aid you through this journey of finding your true voice. You can count on the reviews, recommendations, or ask your local doctor to help you find the right vocal specialist.

How does FTM voice therapy work? Each person, who attends transgender speech therapy, has an individual learning program according to their needs and abilities. If you have any questions or concerns regarding voice training, a specialist will lead you on the right path. Additionally, if you are wondering, why should I attend vocal therapy, if I can just simply learn everything on my own, with the help of youtube or online tutorials? Well, there is a difference between learning individually and training your voice with professional guidance. If you want the most effective and quick results, voice therapy is the answer.

Speech therapy for FTM’s is a broad topic. It’s completely understandable to have many questions and having an urge to clear some things out. You’ll learn more about FTM voice therapy here.

If voice therapy seems like a no-go to you, you can always train on your own. Here's a video that can help you to get a deeper, masculine voice safely:


Testosterone is well known for its positive effects on voice masculinization. When you start testosterone treatment, your vocal cords become thicker, resulting in slower vocal fold vibration, deepening your voice.

Once you start your FTM testosterone voice change journey, you might wonder when you’ll see the results. The expected onset period varies depending on the many aspects. Many FTM’s notice voice changes after 6 weeks, others in 3 months, some - in 6 or 12 months. For the majority of FTM’s, the results become noticeable in 6-9 months. So if you’ll feel like your voice is too feminine a few months into testosterone therapy, don’t worry - each guy has a different deep voice testosterone journey.

What about the negative effects that testosterone can cause on your voice? Well, testosterone has some side effects, so it’s no surprise that it might have a negative outcome on the voice as well (if you want to learn more about the negative effects of testosterone shots or generally how to start testosterone therapy, read more here). The main possible negative effect is entrapped vocality. The main symptoms - enlarged larynx, rough and hoarse sounding voice, inability to control or access some of the areas of vocal range. This side effect can be considered rare, on the other hand, it remains a possibility. If you don’t want to take such a risk, we recommend trying other ways for voice masculinization.


Vocal chord surgery to make the voice go higher and lower FTM is another alternative. There are two types of FTM voice surgery:

- A thyroplasty. Thyroplasty refers to a process performed to change the position of the vocal cord. 

- Micro laryngeal pitch reduction surgery. During the surgery, the vocal cords are being thickened by transferring some tissue and increasing the mass of the cords.

It’s worth considering FTM voice change surgery as an option if nothing else helps to reach desired results. Some FTM’s do not feel comfortable with the sound of their voices after intensive voice training or even during the testosterone treatment. So how to decide whether you need it or not? A medical professional can help you to make a final decision. It is a must to examine the characteristics of your voice, inspect your voice box, and discuss if you truly need/can have surgery to lower your voice. After all, this is a serious procedure that involves some risks. It is not something that you will be able to reverse after it will be done.

Feeling unsure whether you need this surgery? Curious about the process of the procedure? Wondering what’s the span of the healing process? Learn more about voice modification surgery in this article.

FTM voice surgery


1. How to make your voice deeper?

So, there are 3 main ways that we have already discussed:

  • FTM voice therapy
  • Voice change on testosterone
  • FTM voice surgery

Additionally, you can try training your voice on your own, with the help of various exercises and tutorials. Humming, stretching your neck, controlling your voice and much more can help you to find your true voice. To learn more about FTM voice training, check this article.

2. Is there a voice-changing surgery FTM?

If you just skipped the whole article and started reading from the bottom (which is understandable, because who reads such long texts??) here’s a short and clear answer - yes. There are two types of surgeries and you can read all about it in the “how to make my voice deeper? FTM voice surgery” paragraph.

3. How long does it take for your voice to change FTM?

The results vary from person to person, especially depending on the technique. When training your voice and attending voice therapy, it takes about 6-12 months on average. It doesn’t depend on the intensity of the training, but rather the effort. If you choose to start testosterone treatment, you might notice changes a little faster (even in few months), but it can take a whole year as well. The results depend on the dosage and many other aspects, that’s why it’s difficult to name a specific timestamp.


4. What to do if I get misgendered because of my voice?
Every FTM have felt this at some point in transition. If you're pre-t, some time and effort during vocal training or voice therapy will do wonders. If you're planning to start testosterone treatment, your voice will gradually become indifferent to cis male vocals. 


We listed many possible solutions, but the most important point when changing your voice into more masculine is... Not to give up. Yes, sounds cliché, we know, but once you’ll start the process of changing your voice you will face many challenges. You must have in mind, that even if you don’t see results for months, and other FTM’s are already passing, each FTM journey is different. Maybe you’ll have to wait a little longer until you’ll find your real sound, but once you’ll reach the point when you’ll feel happy with your masculine FTM voice, you won’t think about the struggle.

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